Friday 26 November 2010

BARN SALE! - Saturday 11th of December 10 am

Is your attic full of stuff you no longer need? Sell it! Saturday the 11th of December we are having a brick-a-brack sale at The White Horse. Tables are available free of charge on a first come first serve basis. Book yours now on 01647 440242. Or just come and browse - you might find that perfect Christmas present. Doors open at 10 am. Coffee, homemade cakes, lunch, beer and wine available for the hungry and the thirsty until 4 pm. Don't miss it!

Mariner's Away - Thursday 9th December 9 pm

Bill Murray and his fabulously jolly shanty singers will be entertaining us with songs of daring-do on the high seas! They are a happy bunch and can they sing! A lovely feelgood night at The White Horse - Free Entry.

Folk Jam Session - Monday 29th November 9 pm!

Andy Gardner again fronts his famous folk evening at The Horse. Join in or just come and listen. The fire will be roaring and the ale flowing on a dreary, freezing cold Monday night!

Friday 12 November 2010

FOS Brothers - Friday 10th of December 8.30 pm

Irish folk to modern beats - the McCrory Brothers know how to get their audience on their feet! Hauntingly beautiful and at times seriously kicking! Don't miss it. Starts at 8.30 - £4 on the door.