Thursday, 7 July 2011

17th July - MUSIC DAY!!

Sunday the 17th of July from noon until midnight - Moretonhampstead's fabulous yearly Music Day with local and not so local musicians playing on two stages all day and all night. It's a great day out for the whole family with face painting, music and quality snacks. Come, sing, dance and be merry. FREE ENTRY.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Hazaar - 7 piece Klezmer band - Saturday 5th of March 9 pm

To round the food festival off in proper style, the fantastic and fun Klezmer band Hazaar will be playing at The White Horse from 9 pm. Prepare for a fabulous evening! £3 entry on the door.

Food Festival - Saturday 5th of March

The yearly Food, Beer and Arts festival takes place Saturday the 5th of March, with more than 70 stalls of local producers showcasing their goods. The White Horse will be open all day - coffee and homemade cakes from 9 am in the morning, lunch from 11.30 and dinner from 6.30-9.00 pm. We are showcasing all the ales from our very local Dartmoor Brewery, and have some great food and beer lunch offers. To round the day off in style, the fabulous 7 piece Klezmer band Hazaar, will lift the roof in the bar from 9 pm. There is a £3 charge on the door for the music. Much more information about this fantastic and festive day on

Cocktail Night - Friday 25th February

A little bit of glamour in the middle of winter! Our very own cocktail whizz, Alberto, will be mixing all the classics - Manhattan, Cosmopolitan, Margarita, sours, daiquiries, mojitos and many more. Alberto's cocktails are legendary - come and try one for yourself on Friday the 25th of February - all night.

Friday, 26 November 2010

BARN SALE! - Saturday 11th of December 10 am

Is your attic full of stuff you no longer need? Sell it! Saturday the 11th of December we are having a brick-a-brack sale at The White Horse. Tables are available free of charge on a first come first serve basis. Book yours now on 01647 440242. Or just come and browse - you might find that perfect Christmas present. Doors open at 10 am. Coffee, homemade cakes, lunch, beer and wine available for the hungry and the thirsty until 4 pm. Don't miss it!

Mariner's Away - Thursday 9th December 9 pm

Bill Murray and his fabulously jolly shanty singers will be entertaining us with songs of daring-do on the high seas! They are a happy bunch and can they sing! A lovely feelgood night at The White Horse - Free Entry.

Folk Jam Session - Monday 29th November 9 pm!

Andy Gardner again fronts his famous folk evening at The Horse. Join in or just come and listen. The fire will be roaring and the ale flowing on a dreary, freezing cold Monday night!